Algorithm Visualizations
This is a collection of algorithm visualizations done in HTML5
Project maintained by arvieFrydenlund
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
- Convex Hull
- Determine if a point is in a convex polygon
- Find all antipodal pairs in a set of points
For the convex hull algorithm, click points inside the canvas. When you want to draw the convex hull, hit run. Play will animate the algorithm.
For determining if a point is in a convex polygon, draw out a convex polygon by clicking vertices inside the canvas.
Then click the "Draw point to be found" button. Now click in the canvas. This is the point which is to be determined if it is in the convex polygon or not.
Play will animate the algorithm. "Blackout" will show where the area where the algorithm knows the point can't be at that particular time.
For the antipodal pairs algorithm, first draw out a convex polygon by clicking vertices inside the canvas. Hit run when you want to find the pairs.
Play will animate the algorithm.
I'm an undergrad at the University of Saskatchewan studying computer science, linguistics, and philosophy. Email:
These sites were created as a project for a web programming class.